Friday, April 17, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Very sunny with high of -12, but pretty bad wind chill.

Graham is off Mondays and Tuesdays since the swimming pool is closed. I was at the daycare until noon, but the town deemed this afternoon a civic holiday so that people could take part in the Muskrat Jamboree festivities.

At about 1:30pm we headed down to the river to see the bush skills event in which partners have to make a fire, boil water and make tea, and make bannock from scratch to bake on the fire. It was fun to watch…and eat the bannock afterward.

An annual event.

The only sign we could see.

A tradition in Quebec - sugar snow. 

Jen and the tent were what we were aiming for here.

Bush skills event - make fire, boil tea, make bannock.

Bannock making contest.

Graham...freezing and oh so cute.

Crowd watching the bush skills event.

Bush skills event.

Pair in bush skills event.

Still freezing, still cute-trying some bannock.

It was, in fact, flippin’ freezing down there on the river (frozen one of course). We were fine for the first hour or so, but then your fingers start to lose feeling. Luckily, we stopped at the post office on the way home, only to find an Easter package with hot chocolate and tons of other goodies from my mom and dad. Thank you Mom and Dad! Funniest part of the package? A block of cheese and cheese slices…it’s $18.00 for a regular 520g block of the stuff here – hence the mail cheese.
Our Easter package from Mom and Dad Veinot.

Soy milk here is $8 something for two litres. So, we’ve had to switch back to Milk Milk (only Leanne will get the joke). Learning a trick from cousin Deanna and Dave, we buy homogenized milk 4L, which is between $8 and $10 and water it down by half, turning it into skim’ish milk. You folks can also try this handy trick at home, wherever home may be.

Until soon,

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